Saturday, September 17, 2011

Iran to launch website similar to Google Earth

What is Quibla?
The Qiblah (Arabic: قبلة‎, "direction"), also transliterated as Qibla, Kiblah or Kibla, is the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays during salah (formal prayer). Most mosques contain a wall niche, known as mihrab, that indicates the Qiblah.

Muslims all praying towards the same point is traditionally considered to symbolize the unity of all Muslims worldwide under Law of God.

The Qiblah has importance beyond salaat and plays a part in various ceremonies. The head of an animal that is slaughtered using halal methods is aligned with the Qiblah. After death, Muslims are buried with their heads in the direction of the Qiblah. Thus, archaeology can indicate an Islamic necropolis if no other signs are present.

From the Tehran Times: Iran to launch website similar to Google Earth
TEHRAN - Iran plans to launch a new website which resembles the Google Earth, Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Nami has announced.

The website, called Basir, can be accessible from both inside and outside the country, Nami, director of the Geographical Organization of Iran’s Armed Forces, told the Mehr News Agency.

The new website will enable Muslims around the world to determine qibla direction as well, he added.

Asked why the U.S. has more military bases in the Persian Gulf littoral states compared to the countries to the north of Iran, he said Arab countries are inclined toward to the U.S. as opposed to northern countries.

The U.S. has established 30 military bases in Iran’s neighboring countries, including Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bahrain, he said, adding it also plans to establish one in Georgia.

However, Iran has complete control over the region and it monitors any suspicious move so that it can respond immediately, he noted.

Iran can monitor any action not only in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman but also in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

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